Our latest report: Warm Homes and Wellbeing Research Project

Energise Sussex Coast have been commissioned by the East Sussex Energy Partnership to expand on our fuel poverty research for Chesshire Lehmann Fund and integrate it within the framework of the Fuel Poverty Reduction programme in East Sussex.

Our research focused on the positive mental health benefits of key interventions. What works? What are the policy implications?

The key interventions divide into energy bill advice (including help to access grants, relieve debts or correct errors) and the identification of energy inefficient and unhealthy homes and housing conditions.

The case studies show a wide range of positive interventions by Energy Champions that can show measurable benefits for clients. These range
from applications for replacement white goods to more dramatic interventions that prompt comments like “I felt like I got my life back”.

Our policy recommendations include addressing exclusion of vulnerable residents from the energy market and improving conditions in the Private Rented Sector  where people are often living in unhealthy cold and damp conditions.

Download the full report here:

ESEP Final Report 2016 FINAL

ESEP Final Report 2016 Appendices